Why Exfoliate?


If you want soft, smooth legs, there’s one step in your hair-removal routine you might be missing: exfoliating.  Exfoliating involves removing the topmost layer of dead skin cells, either with exfoliating brushes or scrubs and it results in skin that looks and feels softer. Of course, if you’ve never exfoliated before, you won’t want to dive right head first without knowing the best tips or you could end up causing irritation. Ahead, read up on our tips for properly exfoliating your legs.



Why Is Exfoliation Important?

As mentioned, exfoliation is the process of removing dead skin cells from the outermost layer of skin. It only takes a few moments to do and the results are immediate. In addition to instantly brightening skin, exfoliation helps your skin-care products penetrate better, which can improve their effectiveness.



What Is An Exfoliation Scrub ?

 Exfoliation scrub features particles that manually work to remove dead surface skin cells. These granules — commonly made of salt or sugar — can be large or small, depending on how abrasive you’d like your scrub to be. Because there are a variety of types on the market, it is important to search for one that will work for you and your skin type.



Exfoliating Tip #1: Make Use of Tools

Your hands may be one of the best tools at your disposal when paired with a body scrub, but they aren’t your only option for exfoliating. Using a mildly abrasive clean loofah or exfoliating sponge will also get the job done.

Exfoliating Tip #2: Don’t Be Overly Harsh

There’s no reason to treat your skin harshly when exfoliating. While the skin on your legs may be tougher than that on your face, being too rough can cause irritation and redness. The best method for exfoliation is buffing your product into your skin in small, circular motions or using an exfoliating tool in short, light strokes. You should also never exfoliate immediately after shaving, especially if you have an open cut or sunburn.


Exfoliating Tip #3: Pay Extra Attention to Certain Spots

Not everywhere on your body needs to be exfoliated to the same extent. Spots where skin is the thickest — like your knees and ankles — require more attention.



Exfoliating Tip #4: Find the Right Frequency


A common question when it comes to exfoliating is how often you should do it. Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. The truth is, the frequency with which you should exfoliate depends on a few factors: your skin type and your personal preference. If you aren’t sure how much exfoliation your legs can handle play it safe and start with only once a week. You can always build up to a higher frequency over time.


Exfoliating Tip #5: Follow with Moisturizer


After exfoliating, your body care routine isn’t complete. Since exfoliating can be drying, you should always finish by applying a body lotion or cream. The best time to moisturize is immediately after exfoliating while your skin is still slightly damp from the shower.


Exfoliating Tip #6: Slough Away Skin Before Tanning


Exfoliating should be a regular part of your shower routine, but it’s more necessary in some cases than others. One situation where you really won’t want to skip exfoliating is when you plan to put on self-tanner. Exfoliating using a washcloth prior to getting your glow on can keep your color from looking blotchy.


The Best Body Exfoliators

There’s no shortage of body scrubs out there to aid your leg exfoliation treatment. Some are formulated with sugars, salts, coffee grounds, or even fruit particles and some incorporate skin-softening butters or oils, while others are less hydrating. Choose texture and smell that you like is a great way to select your body scrub. Of course, exfoliating your legs is super easy with the Elevare shower step!